Render Texturing Guide

Render texture selection is one of the most time-consuming points during rendering because the way to get a realistic rendering is through natural textures. So, how can you reach these textures that will take your final images to the next level while preparing your model for rendering? Here are a few tips for you!

Reference Image Selection

When creating textures for rendering, you start by searching for a reference image online. You do enter some values ​​on it and make the render engine process the photo in different ways. Thus, you play with the visual until you get the look you want.
You should make sure that your reference image is high resolution and extensive in size for quality rendering results. Besides, the absence of any visual distortion is essential for good rendering results. You can see some images watermarked. Of course, you should not choose them as you do not want to see them in the render. (You can access the watermark-free versions of these images by paying the fees, but dozens of high-resolution texture photos are available on the internet for free).


Creating texture for rendering is a pretty fun job. Your design gives you a lot of motivation when it starts to seem realistic. However, when you consider the real world, all the objects have texture, reflection, and light. If you try to show every little detail for your project’s items, you will have to work on the same task many days.
That’s why it will be more logical to specify the most significant things in your design beforehand and give the details of texture details on those items. Besides, you would also decrease the time you spend on rendering.


For a realistic rendering, lights are as important as the texture. Even if you have the perfect surface, you will not put them forward with inefficient lighting. That’s why try to make strategic moves. Think about what you can do to work faster and more comfortably.

Creating textures as the same as reality is not only challenging but also time-consuming. However, you can show your surfaces in average quality in a perfect way with the correct lighting. The lighting settings are comfortable and do not take much time. Therefore, you can get realistic textures and better renders in a shorter time.


In reflection, you should only concentrate on the material and lighting. In materials, we can talk about some fundamental features. Reflection comes the front among those. All the items have reflections. Even the matt colors! However, their brightness is not as high as the bright ones.

You can create texture for rendering very quickly by setting some features like those. There are many settings in rendering engines for making very detailed arrangements. You do not need most of them generally. You can usually get the plan you want to see by the color or brightness of the reflection.

The Correct Angle

The correct angle saves the day! If you do not trust the light settings and render textures, you should present the project from its best angles. You should not show your designs too low, too high, or cropped images.

Those images prevent an outsider from seeing the design as a whole. Besides, they do not look professional. Lastly, there may be some mistakes in your design, render, or textures. The correct way of presentation can cover them. However, wrong camera angles make them visible.

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