Vertical slice architectural applications have come to the fore quite often in recent years. Since the industrial revolution, humanity’s ambition to rise upward has manifested itself. However, in recent years, we have started to evaluate vertical slice architecture in a very different concept. Indeed, can these structures be the only way we can fit into the world in the future?
Why Vertical Slice Architecture?
The fact that our planet is growing in population is no longer surprising to us. One day, the lands in our small cities will not be enough. That’s when our vertical slice architectural assistance will catch up. At least, that is today’s prediction.
Some designers and engineers say that by solving the increasing population problem, we can accommodate more people in less floor space. Thanks to successful vertical slice architectural practices, we will have more populated cities without stealing space from our precious agricultural lands or forests.
Today, both environmentally friendly and self-sufficient vertical slice architectural applications are promising in this regard. As long as it does not harm our planet, it could be for us to use innovative applications such as vertical slice architecture.
New Generation Fields
Considering vertical slice architecture, some people might think of skyscrapers. However, those used to the term vertical slice architecture of the new generation must have a different perspective.
Today, vertical slice architecture is mostly intertwined with green architecture. The effect of the buildings stretching for meters on the silhouette of the city is somewhat controversial. Moreover, it is unlikely that we will save future generations with such vertical slice architectural examples. Because even if we have a place to accommodate people, we still will not have enough agricultural land to feed the crowded population.
That is where the transformation of vertical architecture into green architecture begins. According to the ideal plan, it will be possible to grow plants on each floor and the roof in future vertical slice architecture examples. The residents of these structures will be able to grow and consume their fruit and vegetables.
Simultaneously, these structures will use clean energy resources and become self-sufficient and even energy-generating centers. (Reducing carbon emissions in all buildings, including vertical slice architecture, is one of the critical issues of today’s architecture) In this way, each example of vertical slice architecture will begin to function as a self-sufficient town.
Researchers think that if vertical slice architectural applications are successfully implemented in cities, they will prevent towns’ chaos. Plus, we will have a city silhouette formed in lush green skyscrapers from top to bottom!